A picture of Silvia Zlojutro face smiling, with short, brown hair, wearing a pink t-shirt, and a brick wall on the back.

About Me

I am a multilingual front-end developer with great enthusiasm for coding, design, accessibility and user experience, graduated from Juno College's Immersive Web Development Bootcamp in July 2023.

From my eight years in the legal profession, I bring the attention to detail, comfort working under strict deadlines and a passion for building positive and cooperative relationships.

Outside of work, I enjoy going for bike rides, swimming, watching movies, reading and playing with Shmoopie, my little shitzu friend.


  • html5
  • css
  • sass
  • javascript
  • react
  • github
  • firebase


A light blue screen with a big 'Box Offico Boffo' title, followed by a written invitation to select a year and play a game where you rank the highest grossing movies of the selected year's Summer, and a blue 'start guessing button'.

Mars Bike Polo website

react, javascript, apis, css, html

A website to get to know all about the Mars Bike Polo Association and this awesome sport, and also to watch all their videos without having to bother going to YouTube.

A screen with people riding their bikes and playing bike polo, all in black and white, with the saying 'Mars Bike Polo Association' and a yellow button to know more.

Guessing Movies App

react, javascript, firebase, APIs, sass, html

This app generates a movie list based on the users' year selection, allowing them to guess the order of the highest grossing movies of that year's Summer, compare results, and calculate and save their score in a database.

The header of a website with a predominantly blue background containin a pair of white 3-d glassess, some movie tickets and popcorn. On the top a title saying 'Upcoming movies search tool. Welcome!' and below a list of movie genres to be selected and a search button.

Awesome Recipes App

react, javascript, apis, sass

This app generates delicious and easy-to-prepare recipes based on the user's inputs.

The header of a website with a predominantly light pink background with hand-looking drawings of food, such as bacon, sausage, pizza and sanwiches, with the a light coloured rectangle almost on the center, containing a purple rectangle for the user to pick a cuisine and a orange button right below it to search recipes.

Movie Search App

javascript, apis, sass, html

Select a genre and you'll be offered a selection of good movies from the MovieDB API. Pair-programmed with Mahmood Kattak.

The header of a website with a background that is a back and white picture of the inside of a bar, with an orange title on the center saying 'Bar-One, Place to be' and a menu on the top.

Bar One Website

javascript, sass, html, responsive design

Created a fully responsive three-pages website from a pre-conceived design. View design.

